Académico Universidad Católica del Norte
Investigador Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas
Correo electrónico:
Fono: +56 - 51 - 209816
Educación Profesor de Estado en Biología y Ciencias (Universidad de Antofagasta), Doctor en Ciencias (Universidad de Kiel)
Cursos impartidos Fundamentos Biológicos, Bioestadistica, Biología Aplicada
Investigador Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas
Correo electrónico:
Fono: +56 - 51 - 209816
Educación Profesor de Estado en Biología y Ciencias (Universidad de Antofagasta), Doctor en Ciencias (Universidad de Kiel)
Cursos impartidos Fundamentos Biológicos, Bioestadistica, Biología Aplicada
Experiencia y Lineas de Investigación
Conservación de Aves Marinas. Patrones de abundancia de aves marinas endémicas de la Corriente de Humboldt. Ecofisiología y bioenergética de aves marinas. Ecología y Diversidad de Aves Marinas.
Martin Thiel, Macarena Bravo, Iván A Hinojosa, Guillermo Luna, Leonardo Miranda, Paloma Núñez, Aldo S Pacheco, Nelson Vásquez (2011) Anthropogenic litter in the SE Pacific : an overview of the problem and possible solutions. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. PDF
Maritza Cortés, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera (2011) Efecto de la edad y la localidad en la concentración de cadmio y cobre en el hígado de la gaviota dominicana Larus dominicanus.Revista de Biologia Marina y Oceanografía. PDF
Scott a. Taylor, Carlos B. Zavalaga, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Alejandro Simeone, David J. Anderson, Vicki L. Friesen (2011) Panmixia and high genetic diversity in a Humboldt Current endemic, the Peruvian Booby (Sula variegata). Journal of Ornithology. PDF
M Bravo, M Gallardo, G. Luna-Jorquera, P Núñez, N Vásquez, M Thiel (2009) Anthropogenic debris on beaches in the SE Pacific (Chile): Results from a national survey supported by volunteers. Marine Pollution Bulletin. PDF
Katrin Ludynia, Stefan Garthe, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera (2009) Distribution and foraging behaviour of the Peruvian Booby (Sula variegata) off northern Chile. Journal of Ornithology. PDF
Raya Rey A, Klemens Pütz, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Benno Lüthi, Adrián Schiavini (2008) Diving patterns of breeding female rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome): Noir Island, Chile. Polar Biology. PDF
R. Villablanca, G. Luna-Jorquera, V. H. Marin, S. Garthe, A. Simeone (2007) How does a generalist seabird species use its marine habitat? The case of the kelp gull in a coastal upwelling area of the Humboldt Current. ICES Journal of Marine Science. PDF
M. Thiel, E.C. MACAYA, E. ACUNA, W.E. ARNTZ, H. BASTIAS, K. BROKORDT, P.A. CAMUS, J.C. Castilla, L.R. CASTRO, M. CORTES, others (2007) The Humboldt Current System of Northern and Central Chile. Oceanography and Marine Biology. PDF
U Ellenberg, T Mattern, P Seddon, G Luna-Jorquera (2006) Physiological and reproductive consequences of human disturbance in Humboldt penguins: The need for species-specific visitor management. Biological Conservation. PDF
Katrin Ludynia, Stefan Garthe, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera (2005) Seasonal and Regional Variation in the Diet of the Kelp Gull in Northern Chile. Waterbirds. PDF
Thomas Mattern, Ursula Ellenberg, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Lloyd S. Davis (2004) Humboldt Penguin Census on Isla Chañaral, Chile: Recent Increase or Past Underestimate of Penguin Numbers? Waterbirds. PDF
Tanja Weichler, Stefan Garthe, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Julio Moraga (2004) Seabird distribution on the Humboldt Current in northern Chile in relation to hydrography, productivity, and fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science. PDF
Alejandro Simeone, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Rory P. Wilson (2004) Seasonal variations in the behavioural thermoregulation of roosting Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti ) in north-central Chile. Journal of Ornithology. PDF
Alejandro Simeone, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Mariano Bernal, Stefan Garthe, Felipe Sepúlveda, Roberto Villablanca, Ursula Ellenberg, Macarena Contreras, Julieta Muñoz, Tamara Ponce (2003)Breeding distribution and abundance of seabirds on islands off north-central Chile. Revista chilena de historia natural. PDF
Rory P. Wilson, Alejandro Simeone, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Antje Steinfurth, Susan Jackson, Andreas Fahlman (2003) Patterns of respiration in diving penguins: is the last gasp an inspired tactic? Journal of Experimental Biology. PDF
Víctor H. Marín, L. Delgado, G. Luna-Jorquera (2003) S-chlorophyll squirts at 30°S off the Chilean coast (eastern South Pacific): Feature-tracking analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research. PDF
Thomas Mattern, Ursula Ellenberg, Guillermo Luna-Jorquera (2002) A South American marine otterLontra felina preys upon chicks of the Peruvian diving petrel Pelaconoides garnotii. Marine Ornithology. PDF
G Luna-Jorquera, B.M. Culik (2000) Metabolic rates of swimming Humboldt penguins. Marine Ecology Progress Series. PDF
Guillermo Luna-Jorquera, Stefan Garthe, Felipe G. Sepulveda, Tanja Weichler, Julio A. Vásquez (2000) Population Size of Humboldt Penguins Assessed by Combined Terrestrial and At-Sea Counts. Waterbirds. PDF
G. Luna-Jorquera, BM Culik (1999) Diving behaviour of Humboldt penguins Spheniscus humboldti in northern. Marine Ornithology. PDF
B.M. Culik, G Luna-Jorquera, H Oyarzo, H Correa (1998) Humboldt penguins monitored via VHF telemetry. Marine Ecology Progress Series. PDF
B. M. Culik, G. Luna-Jorquera (1997) Satellite tracking of Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) in northern Chile. Marine Biology. PDF
BM Culik, G Luna-Jorquera (1997) The Humboldt penguinSpheniscus humboldti: a migratory bird? Journal of Ornithology. PDF
G. Luna-Jorquera, R. P. Wilson, B. M. Culik, R. Aguilar, C. Guerra (1996) Observations on the thermal conductance of Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and Humboldt (Spheniscus humboldti) penguins. Polar Biology. PDF